.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one .. or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file .. distributed with this work for additional information .. regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file .. to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the .. "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance .. with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, .. software distributed under the License is distributed on an .. "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY .. KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the .. specific language governing permissions and limitations .. under the License. Packaging and Testing with Crossbow =================================== The content of ``arrow/dev/tasks`` directory aims for automating the process of Arrow packaging and integration testing. Packages: - C++ and Python `conda-forge packages`_ for Linux, Mac and Windows - Python `Wheels`_ for Linux, Mac and Windows - C++ and GLib `Linux packages`_ for multiple distributions - Java for Gandiva Integration tests: - Various docker tests - Pandas - Dask - Turbodbc - HDFS - Spark Architecture ------------ Executors ~~~~~~~~~ Individual jobs are executed on public CI services, currently: - Linux: TravisCI, CircleCI, Azure Pipelines - Mac: TravisCI, Azure Pipelines - Windows: AppVeyor, Azure Pipelines Queue ~~~~~ Because of the nature of how the CI services work, the scheduling of jobs happens through an additional git repository, which acts like a job queue for the tasks. Anyone can host a ``queue`` repository which is usually called as ``crossbow``. A job is a git commit on a particular git branch, containing only the required configuration file to run the requested build (like ``.travis.yml``, ``appveyor.yml`` or ``azure-pipelines.yml``). Scheduler ~~~~~~~~~ `Crossbow.py`_ handles version generation, task rendering and submission. The tasks are defined in ``tasks.yml``. Install ------- The following guide depends on GitHub, but theoretically any git server can be used. 1. `Create the queue repository`_ 2. Enable `TravisCI`_, `Appveyor`_, `Azure Pipelines_` and `CircleCI`_ integrations on for the newly created queue repository. - turn off Travis’ `auto cancellation`_ feature on branches 3. Clone the newly created repository next to the arrow repository: By default the scripts looks for ``crossbow`` next to arrow repository, but this can configured through command line arguments. .. code:: bash git clone https://github.com//crossbow crossbow **Important note:** Crossbow only supports GitHub token based authentication. Although it overwrites the repository urls provided with ssh protocol, it's advisable to use the HTTPS repository URLs. 4. `Create a Personal Access Token`_ with ``repo`` permissions (other permissions are not needed) 5. Locally export the token as an environment variable: .. code:: bash export CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN= .. or pass as an argument to the CLI script ``--github-token`` 6. Export the previously created GitHub token on both CI services: Use ``CROSSBOW_GITHUB_TOKEN`` encrypted environment variable. You can set them at the following URLs, where ``ghuser`` is the GitHub username and ``ghrepo`` is the GitHub repository name (typically ``crossbow``): - TravisCI: ``https://travis-ci.org///settings`` - Appveyor: ``https://ci.appveyor.com/project///settings/environment`` - CircleCI: ``https://circleci.com/gh///edit#env-vars`` On Appveyor check the ``skip branches without appveyor.yml`` checkbox on the web UI under crossbow repository’s settings. 7. Install Python (minimum supported version is 3.6): Miniconda is preferred, see installation instructions: https://conda.io/docs/user-guide/install/index.html 8. Install the python dependencies for the script: .. code:: bash conda install -c conda-forge -y --file arrow/ci/conda_env_crossbow.txt .. code:: bash # pygit2 requires libgit2: http://www.pygit2.org/install.html pip install \ jinja2 \ pygit2 \ click \ ruamel.yaml \ setuptools_scm \ github3.py \ toolz \ jira 9. Try running it: .. code:: bash $ python crossbow.py --help Usage ----- The script does the following: 1. Detects the current repository, thus supports forks. The following snippet will build kszucs’s fork instead of the upstream apache/arrow repository. .. code:: bash $ git clone https://github.com/kszucs/arrow $ git clone https://github.com/kszucs/crossbow $ cd arrow/dev/tasks $ python crossbow.py submit --help # show the available options $ python crossbow.py submit conda-win conda-linux conda-osx 2. Gets the HEAD commit of the currently checked out branch and generates the version number based on `setuptools_scm`_. So to build a particular branch check out before running the script: .. code:: bash git checkout ARROW- python dev/tasks/crossbow.py submit --dry-run conda-linux conda-osx .. Note that the arrow branch must be pushed beforehand, because the script will clone the selected branch. 3. Reads and renders the required build configurations with the parameters substituted. 4. Create a branch per task, prefixed with the job id. For example to build conda recipes on linux it will create a new branch: ``crossbow@build--conda-linux``. 5. Pushes the modified branches to GitHub which triggers the builds. For authentication it uses GitHub OAuth tokens described in the install section. Query the build status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Build id (which has a corresponding branch in the queue repository) is returned by the ``submit`` command. .. code:: bash python crossbow.py status Download the build artifacts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash python crossbow.py artifacts Examples ~~~~~~~~ Submit command accepts a list of task names and/or a list of task-group names to select which tasks to build. Run multiple builds: .. code:: bash $ python crossbow.py submit debian-stretch conda-linux-gcc-py37 Repository: https://github.com/kszucs/arrow@tasks Commit SHA: 810a718836bb3a8cefc053055600bdcc440e6702 Version: 0.9.1.dev48+g810a7188.d20180414 Pushed branches: - debian-stretch - conda-linux-gcc-py37 Just render without applying or committing the changes: .. code:: bash $ python crossbow.py submit --dry-run task_name Run only ``conda`` package builds and a Linux one: .. code:: bash $ python crossbow.py submit --group conda centos-7 Run ``wheel`` builds: .. code:: bash $ python crossbow.py submit --group wheel There are multiple task groups in the ``tasks.yml`` like docker, integration and cpp-python for running docker based tests. ``python crossbow.py submit`` supports multiple options and arguments, for more see its help page: .. code:: bash $ python crossbow.py submit --help .. _conda-forge packages: conda-recipes .. _Wheels: python-wheels .. _Linux packages: linux-packages .. _Crossbow.py: crossbow.py .. _Create the queue repository: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-new-repository .. _TravisCI: https://travis-ci.org/getting_started .. _Appveyor: https://www.appveyor.com/docs/ .. _CircleCI: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/getting-started/ .. _Azure Pipelines: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/get-started/pipelines-sign-up .. _auto cancellation: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build/#Building-only-the-latest-commit .. _Create a Personal Access Token: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/ .. _setuptools_scm: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools_scm